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British Artist:
Michael KIDD

Art For Sale

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British Artist Michael KIDD - Boat Adrift
British Artist Michael KIDD - Winter Garden at Sunset British Artist Michael KIDD - Night Games
British Artist Michael KIDD - Beyond the Wall

British Artist:
Michael KIDD

Archived Work

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British Artist Michael KIDD - Topiary Garden
British Artist Michael KIDD - Chateau Latour Winter British Artist Michael KIDD - The Red Handbag
British Artist Michael KIDD - The Little Puddle British Artist Michael KIDD - Chateau Latour
British Artist Michael KIDD - Red on Dark Breaker British Artist Michael KIDD - End of Summer
British Artist Michael KIDD - Harvest Time II British Artist Michael KIDD - Field of Summer
British Artist Michael KIDD - Derek Jarmans Garden British Artist Michael KIDD - Great Dixter



Art by Michael KIDD

Beyond the Wall
Michael KIDD - Beyond the Wall

British Art and Artists at Red Rag Gallery
Artist: Michael KIDD

Michael Kidd (1937-2022) was born in London. He studied at Wimbledon School of Art where he gained a scholarship to the Royal College of Arts. Fellow art students included the film director Ridley Scott and artist David Hockney. After leaving the Royal College of Art Kidd worked as an art director in some of London's leading advertising agencies before moving the USA.

In 1966 Michael Kidd moved to New York to work as a creative director. Following his return to the UK he began directing T.V. and Cinema commercials in Europe, America and the UK and undertaking work for British Airways, Coca Cola, Lloyds and Barclays Bank, Ford Motor Company and many more.

From 1981 Michael Kidd began painting between film shoots. Slowly painting became more important to him and more people started to buy his beautiful modern art. As a result Kidd eventually gave up directing to become a full-time artist.

All of Michael Kidd's modern art work showed a strong imaginative streak, quirky at times, surreal at others. Kidd tended to produce paintings on themes - gardens, chateaux, coastal, cities, whatever subject held his interest.

Michael Kidd said he tends to 'think in terms of numbers'. He is facinated by 'patterns and mathematics, the poetry of the indecipherable'. Kidd's modern art shows his characteristic pleasure with what he called 'playing with different perspectives - giving the illusion of the reality, and keeping it simple'.

If you have a Michael Kidd painting you are looking to sell please contact us.

Red Rag Gallery also promotes limited edition prints by Michael Kidd. To view follow this link Limited Edition Prints from British artist Michael Kidd

To receive updates on British artist Michael KIDD's art and art works at Red Rag Gallery click here

or CALL RED RAG NOW on 01451 832563 or outside the UK +44 1451 832563.


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